My most memorable food experiences

Memorable food memories
If someone asked me what my hobby is I would say food. Yes, I know everyone has to eat to live but food to me is more than just existence. I love to cook, I love to eat, and I love to experience new flavours and ingredients I’ve never tried before. I love to talk about food, I love to read about food and I love that food brings people together. So it’s not surprising so many of my memories are linked with food!

I thought I would share my most memorable food experiences!

All of the pasta in Rome

All of the pasta we ate in Rome was very good, we were lucky and didn’t get one dud meal. But there is one meal in particular that to this day is still the best ragu I have ever had the pleasure of eating.

pasta rome
It was the last meal of our trip and we spent the last of our euros on rabbit ragu and a bottle of Chianti! The ragu/paradelle ratio was spot on and the depth of flavour in this dish was incredible – proper mamas cooking. It was the perfect way to end our weekend.

Beef Tangia in Marrakech

This was probably the best traditional Moroccan dish of our trip. We ate at the Souk Kafe after someone recommended it via Twitter. It’s a simple restaurant and as we entered I wasn’t sure how good it would be…. oh how looks can be deceiving!

We ordered the beef tangia, it was so good we came back for lunch on our last day. Tangia is a Marrakech original. Just like tagines, the name refers to the dish and the vessel it is prepared in. The beef was in small pieces with onion which seemed to melt into the sauce. The flavours were just incredible and we loved the little terrace to dine on. It was one of the cheapest meals we had in Marrakech and definitely the best.

Afternoon Tea’s with my mum

I nearly didn’t put this one on the list as I suppose it’s a little personal for me. But there is a reason I have such a love for afternoon tea and such special memories about them – my mum. My mum loved cake and any sweet treats really. She was known to eat double cream sprinkled with cocoa and sugar and slices of butter straight from the pack! Oh and I might add she was extremely svelte – I don’t know where it went!

Afternoon tea
My mum passed away a few years ago. So the memories I have of all the Mother’s Days and Birthday afternoon teas we shared, and the numerous naughty pastries and cakes we consumed together are even more precious than they were before. Afternoon teas take me back to a different time which is oh so special to me. It also reminds me of all the giggles we had too!

Visiting a tofu ‘factory’

On a lighter note lets talk about tofu! Not all food experiences are good experiences… but they do make for good stories!

Whilst we were in Java for part of our honeymoon, we had an afternoon to spare in Borobudur, so our hotel recommended a little tour of the local area. We went out on a horse and cart around the local village for a couple of hours with a local guide. We got chatting away and were told about the different food and household items produced in the village and were asked if we’d like to see a small tofu β€˜factory’. We said yes.

Making tofu in Borobudur-Java
It was actually in fact three people producing tofu in one room. Probably the funniest moment of our holiday was when we were offered some raw tofu to taste… honestly, we’re not the biggest fans of tofu let alone when it’s raw! The tofu was very wet and they sliced some up for us and poured some salt and fresh chopped chilli to dip it in. It was definitely an acquired taste, and a little hard to eat the whole plate full! I knew how much D hated it so it was hard not to crack a smile. But we finished it nonetheless and thanked them! Every time I see tofu I think about that day.

An East-end Christmas

My brother held a friends Christmas dinner a few years back. There were 8 of us around a small table, it was cramped and dinner was hours late! Over the hours we drank too many bubbles, red wine and port… and of course by the end of the meal we had bellies bulging with a food babies. There was much singing and dancing into the night and sore heads in the morning – and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

East end Christmas
It is probably one of my favourite Christmas dinners, ever.

Making a mess with chilli crab in Singapore

It was the first night of our honeymoon, and after 14 hours of travel, two days after our wedding, to say we were tired is an understatement! We had just 24 hours in Singapore and so ahead of our trip I asked a fried who lives out there for tips on how to spend our time there. He said we had to go eat some chilli crab. And so we did!

Chilli crab memories
We put on our bibs and attacked the crab… it is a messy affair, especially if you are not knowledgeable about getting all the meat out of the shell. To the amusement/disgust of the locals sharing our table, we made our way through the ever-so-spicy crab. I just had one note to self from the experience – don’t wear white next time!

These are definitely my most memorable food experiences, though I must admit nearly every thought I have is related to food! So if you ever want to chat food you know where to find me.

This month’s Travel Linkup is all about sharing your most memorable food expereiences. Just pop your post up over the first week of the month (the 1st – 7th September), add it to the link up widget – found on either Angie’s, Emma’s, Jessi’s and Tanja’s blogs.

Follow me on Bloglovin, Instagram and Twitter for all things food and travel!


  1. September 2, 2016 / 12:16 pm

    great experiences! I too love a good pasta and an afternoon tea:)

  2. September 2, 2016 / 3:07 pm

    I’ve never thought of food alongside memories πŸ™‚ but thinking about it, most of my favourite memories have food intrinsically linked to them! What lovely food with lovely memories!

    • September 3, 2016 / 1:07 pm

      Thank you Elishia. Food always brings back memories for me – but I think it’s because I’m always thinking about food! πŸ™‚

  3. September 2, 2016 / 3:27 pm

    Yes, food is much more than what we are eating, it’s mostly about the memories linked to it and the people around us πŸ™‚

    • September 3, 2016 / 1:08 pm

      You’re so right – I think the reason these foods are so memorable is because I enjoyed it with the people there, I wander if I would have felt the same if it had just been me there. πŸ™‚

  4. September 2, 2016 / 3:31 pm

    Food is my hobby and my passion, I basically live to eat! Chilli crab in Singapore is just amazing isn’t it?

  5. September 3, 2016 / 3:48 am

    People who eat to live are unusual creatures to me. I chat about food all the time too.

    • September 3, 2016 / 1:10 pm

      Yes I think I think and talk about food most of the day! πŸ™‚

  6. September 3, 2016 / 12:57 pm

    All such wonderful memories, even if some can be a little bittersweet…
    The tofu story just cracked me up – I quite like it but I know many people don’t so to be put on the spot like that – hilarious!

    • September 5, 2016 / 10:05 am

      Well you can imagine Dave’s reaction to the tofu! I like it cooked, but raw not so much…!

  7. September 4, 2016 / 11:58 am

    All of these pics make me hungry

    What restaurant did you visit in Rome – always looking for Italian recommends

    • September 4, 2016 / 4:42 pm

      The ragu was from Ditirambo on Piazza della Cancelleria 74/75. Definitely go if you’re in Rome!

  8. September 5, 2016 / 8:18 pm

    It’s so lovely you have such a lovely memory of afternoon teas to cherish!

    • September 6, 2016 / 5:54 am

      They are very special to me. I can’t go long without an afternoon tea!

    • September 8, 2016 / 8:18 am

      They do! Would love to go back to both places to try even more of the food!Ah, thanks lovely. x

  9. September 7, 2016 / 2:20 pm

    The East End Christmas sounds such great fun and something you’d definitely remember forever!

  10. September 8, 2016 / 8:13 am

    Gotta say the first one of pasta transported me back to all the Italian delights…. I don’t think any country can quite beat Italy on pizza, pasta and gelato can they?!

    • September 8, 2016 / 8:29 am

      Nope, I don’t think they can be beaten! Will always be a favourite.

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